Similarities and Differences...
I've learned from Ms Melamed, a supervisor of English Instruction from the Ministry of Education about the Education
System in Israel. She told us that in Israel, education is compulsary from kindergarten to tenth grade (5-16 years old).
Unlike in the Philippines where both the elementary and high school teachers get their salaries from the Department of
Education, in Israel only the elementary school teachers' salaries are shouldered by the Ministry of Education. High school
teachers are supported by the Municipality. In the Philippines, the Municipality only hired teachers because of the shortage
of teachers in public schools due to the policy of not hiring new teachers because of the budget cuts imposed by the administration
in all government agencies.
Aside from the source of funds for the salaries of the teachers, another difference in the educational system of Israel
and the Philippines is the manner of hiring new teachers. In Israel, Ms Melamed, the supervisor from the Ministry in English
Instruction, is the one who hired the English teachers for all the 300 schools under the Ministry of Education. She's the
one who interviewed them and gave them a coordinator who gave them a sort of in-service training to help them cope once she
hired them. In the Philippines, in every division, it is the assistant superintendent who hired the teachers. But before they
can be hired they had to pass the licensure exam called Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and be ranked according to
the result of their test given by the division, the interview and the result of their LET.