
...the discovery

The delicious aroma of unnamed delicacies and baked bread delicacies wafted to our nostrils when we went through the Turkish side of the city to get to the tunnels that was discovered in 1994 because of a complaint about a blocked sewer from a woman living above it.  The tunnels were remarkably clean although there was a flow of water, as can be seen not only in the left side and right side but also between the slats of the wooden thing that we walked upon.

The MASHAV - MCTC Experience
A Tour Of Acre
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Read on and you will be acquainted with the historical city of Acco.


We had an unscheduled trip of Acco courtesy of the good mayor. According to our jolly guide, the city was mentioned in history books of the unsuccessful siege of Napoleon due to the fact that the city was surrounded in three sides by water.

...the Templars tunnel

We went down to the Templars Tunnel where the Order of St. John took care of the pilgrims and patients who came to visit the holy land. The Templars which, means guards of the Temple were said to settle first on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, but they came to Acco when Saladin conquered Jerusalem in 1187.

Looking at the thick wall and the beautiful arches, I can almost imagine the 12 century activity in the Knights Hall as our guide took us to the ancient times by her vivid account of the past events that happened there, being a voracious reader of historical romance novels,  however, our handsome guide, Alex cracked a joke about trying the noose in that hall on our pretty necks if he needed to search for us because we got lost in the ruins.
